Scott and Scott Inc. Home Inspection Services Call us at 203-329-0276 Email: 2535 Long Ridge Road, Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut, USA - Inspecting CT Homes Since 1994 WEB SPECIAL - MENTION YOU SAW THIS ON OUR WEB SITE AT THE TIME OF BOOKING OUR INSPECTION - $25 OFF YOUR INSPECTION ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Home Inspections by George Neil Scott, CT State License Number HOI.314, fully insured and ASHI CERTIFIED home inspector. Member of the American Society of Home Inspectors (ASHI) # 211890 and Home inspections by Neil M. Scott, CT HOP.421, fully insured home inspector Providing reasonably priced home inspections and services with excellent customer service for 20 years. |
Questions? "As Is" Sales (Foreclosures, Short Sales & Estate Sales)
Advice on price shopping: You may save a few dollars now by hiring another company, but is it really worth it? Home Buyers: Why should you hire a licensed, experienced, insured and well-qualified home inspector, like G. Neil Scott, to perform your home inspection? Because your home is probably the largest investment you will ever make. Wouldn't you want and need to know about any past, current, or even future problems or defects with the home that might cost you thousands of dollars in repairs now or in the future? We, at Scott and Scott Inc., think you would, and we realize a good home inspection and home inspection report are extremely important to today's informed home buyers. Most homeowners do try to maintain their homes as best they can, but most homeowners do not go or check where Neil will to learn about a home's structural, electrical, and mechanical integrity. Neil pay's special attention to areas like attics, basements, and crawl spaces (which are tiny areas under a home and are sometimes only accessible if you literally "crawl" into them). Neil is specially trained to know exactly what to look for during a home inspection. Neil uses specialized tools for testing carbon monoxide levels, tools for probing areas where moisture and insect damage may be, tools for determining electrical problems, high powered lights, and binoculars. Home Sellers: Why should you hire a licensed, experienced, insured and well-qualified home inspector, like Neil Scott, to perform your "pre-sale" home inspection? Because wouldn't it be worth your while to eliminate renegotiating your sales price after the buyer has an inspection. What if your perspective buyer hires an unlicensed and unqualified home inspector? To eliminate many of the "what if" scenarios, having a "pre-sale" inspection is the first step to marketing your home to buyers. It will also help you to accurately complete your seller's disclosure. There will be fewer, if any, surprise issues that may arise after the potential buyer has their own inspection.
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